3rd Party Support
OpenQuest’s rule system is available for use by 3rd Party Developers using a Creative Commons license via the OpenQuest System Resource Document (OQ SRD).
- Online OpenQuest Systems Resource Document
- Text version of the OQ SRD
- Read about the Creative Commons License that the content in the OQ SRD is released, and the legal text you must include in your release that uses material from the OQ SRD.
If you want to ask me a question about using the OQ SRD, email me or ask on the OQ SRD channel on D101’s Discord Server.
Published Projects using the OQ SRD
Here is a list of 3rd Party supplements and games based on the OQ SRD that I’m aware of.
- Age of Shadow published by Crooked Staff productions.
- Clockwork and Chivalry, Renaissance, Dark Streets, Pirates and Dragons, published by Cakebread and Walton.
- Jackals published by Osprey Games.
- The French Translation of OpenQuest by d100.fr
If there’s something I’ve missed off this list please let me know.