D101 Games now has a YouTube channel. I’ll be posting content as time goes on, but one of the first bits is a chat I had with my OQ collaborator Paul Mitchener, way back in at the end of the OpenQuest Kickstarter in September last year.
If you want just the audio, it’s also available as a podcast, as The OpenQuester Episode 1 – Plans with Dr Mitch.
Audio Player
Nothing about ducks??
It was a very off the cuff conversation, done in the closing hours of the Kickstarter, so sorry the Book of Duck didn’t get a mention. But it will get a video/podcast of its own 🙂
Us ducks are always getting a bad deal. (Just getting into character ;o) ).
In my human persona I thought the youtube clip was a very interesting insight into what we can expect in the way of OQ goodness.
I’m quite experienced with Astral Tabletop having used it to run a 5e campaign and even some war-games. If I can help with testing in any way then I’d be glad to do so.