The OpenQuester on YouTube + Podcast

D101 Games now has a YouTube channel. I’ll be posting content as time goes on, but one of the first bits is a chat I had with my OQ collaborator Paul Mitchener, way back in at the end of the OpenQuest Kickstarter in September last year. If you want just the...

The Lost Outpost Now Available

I am pleased to say the free pdf version of the OpenQuest 3rd Edtion Quickstart, the Lost Outpost is now available: Get the Lost Outpost free pdf.  This pdf is designed to get players and Referees up and playing OpenQuest, with the minimum of preparation. It contains...

QO3 Character Sheet now up

I’ve been giving the D101 Games website a bit of a Spring Clean in anticipation of the OQ3 Pre-order (coming very soon) and realised my Files section had disappeared with all the free game aid downloads such as character sheets. A quick bit of fiddling with the...