This one keeps on popping up in my mind and has done again since I’m now coming into what would normally be the beginning of convention season for me. The idea of having a one or two-day weekend convention to celebrate OpenQuest.  I’ve decided to strike when the iron is hot and hold it online in sometime in the 2nd half of June or early July – which coincides with the game going on general release last year.

So the idea would be to have multiple games, run by multiple refs, sign up via warhorn the week before, and one or two one hour talks by myself or other speakers about various topics related to OpenQuest.

Note you need not have a copy of OpenQuest or even know anything about the game to come along and play. In fact the rules are online courtesy of the OpenQuest Online SRD.

If you would like to offer your services as a ref, but haven’t got time to write up a scenario or create pre-gens don’t worry I have a number of published and unpublished adventures which have their origins as convention scenarios. Drop me a line at if you are interested in refereeing.

So here’s a poll to gather interest, which runs to the end of this month (31st May). Warning if I get enough interest, I may end this poll early and go straight onto organising it 🙂

If it’s a success, I’ll run another later in the year (Winter OpenQuest Con?) and look at holding a face to face one.

Update 30/05/22: I’m now looking at running this on one of the first two weekends of July, and I currently have two other GMs down to run games. If you are interested in GMing wither your own adventure or one of mine drop me a line at