OpenQuest has three paths to magical power. Within each is a set of ranks. which are listed below in order of magical power (although Wises and Shamans are more specialist casters of equal power to each other).

I quickly thought this up when thinking about how to quickly explain the magic systems to a complete beginner.

Personal Magic
Is the magic that just is. It flows through the surroundings and into a person who shapes it. A mish-mash of orally transmitted spells that have survived through time because they are useful in everyday life. Note this what previous editions called Battle Magic.

  • Most folk just do it to meet a need
  • Wises are exploring it.
  • Shamans are in a conversation with the self-aware expressions of it (i.e. spirits)

Divine Magic
Is the power of the Immortals, that comes from their deads in mythology.  Mortal followers are inspired by it, and that inspiration performs miracles for them. 

  • Lay members are protected by it
  • Initiates are at the start of their journey into the mysteries of it.
  • Priests/Priestesses are close to their deities and speak for them, guiding the believers.
  • Holy Warriors defend it

Is magic that comes from consciously manipulating the logical magical laws of the Universe, that previous seekers after knowledge has written down as spells in Sorcererous Spell Books.

When it comes to sorcery:

  • Apprentices are learning it
  • Adepts are doing it
  • Magi are living expressions of it.