Big update on OpenQuest 3rd edition.
Jon Hodgson has delivered the goods on the Five stretch goal supplements, also I’m reusing the cover from OQ Refreshed to provide the cover for the Early Bird Quickstart Adventure, and finally Jonny Gray provides the cover for the OpenQuest Quickstart: The Lost Outpost.
So we’ve got covers, erm covered 🙂
Here’s the whole lot as previews, click on image for a bigger version.
OpenQuest Dungeons
The Book of Duck (working title)
The Clock Work Palace
Re OQ Companion. Typical humans leaving an unarmed duck to deal with a horde of zombies. ;o) At least the duck has acquired a sword by the OQ Dungeons cover.
I’m interpreting it as a “Wait! Let me try to quack to them first!” situation. Not sure if they’re supposed to be zombies.
Random thoughts besides that:
That duck is growing on me (think I should have it removed by a doctor?). No, really, I’m neither a duck-hater nor a duck-lover (I think elves and dwarves and lizard-people are just as stupid and fun as ducks), but this duck seems to be an interesting character – grim, but obviously not prone to unneccesary violence.
Clockwork Palace: All in all, a beautiful cover, but I actually prefer the characters in the foreground to the palace in the background, that somehow feels a little “not quite there yet”.
The Lost Outpost: Great cover – but wasn’t that supposed to be the “Chronicles of Erun” cover? Does that mean that Erun is dead? :,(
Yes Chronicles of Erun is dead, but the ideas and characters in it live on in the OpenQuest Campaign I’m running currently, that may see publication later this year ;). The Pale (an Undead Faction), Imperial Dwarfs, Lord Vile, the Master of Ravens etc
But I took the realistic view I’ve not done it as a standalone game in something like seven years (?) and with other stuff in the pipe, it wasn’t getting done so best kill it rather than force it.
Makes sense – and if the project will end up becoming more material for OQ, I’m actually very happy!
Lord Vile and the Master of Ravens have just been written into an adventure called “Blood and Taxes”, I’m not sure that my players are going to be very happy about that 😀