Well, my bit anyway. I’m pleased to announce that OQ 3rd edition, was sent over to its Editor/Proofreader yesterday evening for a final check. Its got a table of contents, an index and a set of cross-references ( “see page xx” ) that are all lovingly hyperlinked in the pdf, which is also fully bookmarked. So I expect that to come back within two weeks, in which time I’ll be sending out pdf’s to backers and opening a pre-order for non-backers.
OpenQuest 3 is done!
by Newt | Feb 9, 2021 | OQ 3 Development | 4 comments
Wonderful news!
Sadly missed the Kickstarter. You noted preorders will start soon?
Yes. Just waiting for the pdf to be finalised (either this week or next) and then I’ll be opening them.
Hi Josh, Just to let you know the pre-order is now open https://d101games.com/2021/04/25/openquest-3rd-edition-now-available-to-pre-order/