OpenQuest 2022 Online registration open

OpenQuest 3rd edition is almost one, and to celebrate its release I’m holding an online convention on the weekend of Saturday 9th to Sunday 10th July. I’ve got a handful of referees signed up to run games, and plans for at least one online talk about the...

An Online OpenQuest Convention?

This one keeps on popping up in my mind and has done again since I’m now coming into what would normally be the beginning of convention season for me. The idea of having a one or two-day weekend convention to celebrate OpenQuest.  I’ve decided to strike...

A Ramble in the Shambles

I’ve finally finished the long overdue adventure for Early Bird OpenQuest Kickstarter Backers, Catching the Wyrm.   This 28-page adventure is a full standalone adventure that can be played in one or two four hour gaming sessions. It can be played as the final...