by Newt | Sep 2, 2022 | Magic
I’m currently working on OpenQuest Dungeons, which has a quick section on Underworld religions. This got me thinking that OpenQuest has three potential levels of detail when describing Religions for Divine Magic. Short Write-up. Very brief and to the point. Give...
by Newt | Jun 9, 2021 | Magic
There’s a new episode of the OpenQuester up on D101’s youtube channel, this time I and Paul Mitchener chat about Magic in...
by Newt | May 1, 2021 | Magic, OQ 3 Development
This is a preview straight from the pages of the OpenQuest Companion, which is due for release in early summer but is available to pre-order with the main rulebook as a free pdf/at cost POD book. OpenQuest 3rd Edition Pre-Order (open until 9th May). This chapter...
by Newt | Oct 26, 2020 | Magic, OQ 3 Development
So the pdf of the 1st Draft is compiled and about to go out to backers, a little later than expected. That’s because as well as doing one last self-edit, I took it as an opportunity to make some last-minute changes. What’s changed Hero points are now...
by Newt | Aug 18, 2020 | Magic, OQ 3 Development
OpenQuest has three paths to magical power. Within each is a set of ranks. which are listed below in order of magical power (although Wises and Shamans are more specialist casters of equal power to each other). I quickly thought this up when thinking about how to...
by Newt | Jun 27, 2020 | Magic, OQ 3 Development
I’m currently doing a review of OpenQuest’s three magic systems. In short Battle Magic has had some trimming down of it’s spell list. Sorcery has had a few “utility” spells added so you don’t have to use Personal Magic to create...