by Newt | Apr 29, 2021 | OQ 3 Development
This selection of additional optional rules is the next release for OpenQuest. It is currently on sale, as a free book, as part of the pre-order for the main OpenQuest 3 rulebook. Get the OpenQuest Companion as part of the OpenQuest 3 pre-order. While this is not the...
by Newt | Apr 13, 2021 | Adventure, OQ 3 Development
This is the OpenQuest Quickstart Rules + Adventure. If you are new to OpenQuest or a returning old hand wanting to see what’s changed, or simply want to pick up an introductory adventure suitable for newcomers this is for you. You can get it here now! I posted...
by Newt | Mar 25, 2021 | OQ 3 Development
I hit a major personal milestone yesterday OpenQuest is finally done! After another round of edits, both by me and by the backers, the final pdf is done and off to print proof. Also, the OpenQuest Quickstart Rules + Adventure, The Lost Outpost, is done bar a final...
by Newt | Mar 21, 2021 | OQ 3 Development
Nearly there with both OQ main rulebook and the Quickstart. Just applying a bit of last-minute polish. Part of which has been commissioning a few maps for each book from the fabulous Glynn Seal (of Midderlands/Monkey Blood fame). Here’s the replacement map for...
by Newt | Feb 9, 2021 | OQ 3 Development
Well, my bit anyway. I’m pleased to announce that OQ 3rd edition, was sent over to its Editor/Proofreader yesterday evening for a final check. Its got a table of contents, an index and a set of cross-references ( “see page xx” ) that are all lovingly...
by Newt | Jan 27, 2021 | OQ 3 Development
Big update on OpenQuest 3rd edition. Jon Hodgson has delivered the goods on the Five stretch goal supplements, also I’m reusing the cover from OQ Refreshed to provide the cover for the Early Bird Quickstart Adventure, and finally Jonny Gray provides the cover...