by Newt | Jan 27, 2022 | OQ 3 Development
Today I continue work on OpenQuest Dungeons. I’m working on a section that has the working title of OpenQuest for D&Ders (the final piece will have something less copyright-infringing – Probably “Rules for Dungeoneering”). The idea is to...
by Newt | Jan 10, 2022 | OQ 3 Development
So I’ve just finished the document version of the OpenQuest SRD. This is primarily aimed at people who want to publish stuff using OpenQuest, and contains a four-page guide on how to use it. Now I’m setting up this site to be the home of the online version...
by Newt | Dec 5, 2021 | OQ 3 Development
Seeing as the OpenQuest Companion has gone through its proofread, and I have all the art I need, I’m currently throwing it into layout, for a release in pdf at least this side of Christmas. It will go out to Kickstarter Backers and OpenQuet pre-orders first, but...
by Newt | Aug 9, 2021 | OQ 3 Development
After taking a week off to spend time with my family, I was back at this morning. After a quick writing session, I’ve reached the first draft of the OpenQuest Companion. eta tentatively late August for the pdf, early September for print.
by Newt | Jun 2, 2021 | OQ 3 Development
One of the things that I picked up on when I got the first print proof of the POD version of OpenQuest 3rd Edition was that on the title page, I missed out on the subtitle: Fantasy Adventure Roleplaying Game It’s been on every edition of OQ, so I put it back in, but I...
by Newt | May 1, 2021 | Magic, OQ 3 Development
This is a preview straight from the pages of the OpenQuest Companion, which is due for release in early summer but is available to pre-order with the main rulebook as a free pdf/at cost POD book. OpenQuest 3rd Edition Pre-Order (open until 9th May). This chapter...