OpenQuest for Dungeons

Today I continue work on OpenQuest Dungeons. I’m working on a section that has the working title of OpenQuest for D&Ders (the final piece will have something less copyright-infringing – Probably “Rules for Dungeoneering”). The idea is to...

OpenQuest SRD and changes to this site

So I’ve just finished the document version of the OpenQuest SRD. This is primarily aimed at people who want to publish stuff using OpenQuest, and contains a four-page guide on how to use it. Now I’m setting up this site to be the home of the online version...

OpenQuest Companion in layout

Seeing as the OpenQuest Companion has gone through its proofread, and I have all the art I need, I’m currently throwing it into layout, for a release in pdf at least this side of Christmas. It will go out to Kickstarter Backers and OpenQuet pre-orders first, but...

OpenQuest Companion reaches First Draft

After taking a week off to spend time with my family, I was back at this morning. After a quick writing session, I’ve reached the first draft of the OpenQuest Companion. eta tentatively late August for the pdf, early September for print.

OpenQuest is a Fantasy Adventure Roleplaying Game

One of the things that I picked up on when I got the first print proof of the POD version of OpenQuest 3rd Edition was that on the title page, I missed out on the subtitle: Fantasy Adventure Roleplaying Game It’s been on every edition of OQ, so I put it back in, but I...

The One Magic System

This is a preview straight from the pages of the OpenQuest Companion, which is due for release in early summer but is available to pre-order with the main rulebook as a free pdf/at cost POD book. OpenQuest 3rd Edition Pre-Order (open until 9th May).  This chapter...