Physical Combat
This section contains the following pages.
- Combat Rules. An overview of how combat plays out, combat rounds, surprise attacks, taking and healing damage.
- Combat Actions (Summary). A quick round-up of all the actions characters can perform in combat in one table.
- Close Combat Actions. How to make close combat attacks and the variant combat attacks such as Great Attack.
- Unarmed Combat Actions. How to make unarmed combat attacks, like grappling.
- Ranged Combat Actions. Basic range attacks, and rules for firing into a crowd.
- Movement Combat Actions.
- Other Actions that you can do in combat, that aren’t directly attacks or defences such as intimidation and casting Spells.
- Defensive Reactions. How to dodge and parry to prevent being hit.
- Special Combat Results. Critical hits and fumbles in combat.
- Special Combat Rules, Mounted combat, Two-weapon use and shield use.
- Ending the Combat. Rules for disengaging, surrendering or dying (zero hit points or less).