Sorcery Spells M to Q

Make Potion


Using the arts of alchemy, Sorcerers can store Sorcery spells in a liquid known as a Potion.

All potions have an attached cost of 1 Gold Ducat per magnitude of spell in ingredients. Multiple spells may be stored in one potion, with the understanding that they will all be cast when the potion is drunk at the magnitude that the creator originally put into the potion.

Make Scroll


Magical scrolls are written items that store Sorcery spells. All scrolls have an attached cost of 1 Gold Ducat per magnitude of spell in ingredients (for special inks/parchments, etc.).

The resulting scroll is a one-use item which, upon a successful Sorcery Casting test, casts the spell(s) with any included manipulations at the magnitude that was cast on the scroll.

Alternatively, upon a successful Sorcery Casting skill test, the reader of the scroll can learn the spell by spending the appropriate number of Growth points.

Either way, upon the successful use of the scroll, the spell fades from the scroll. If the casting roll merely fails, the spell remains, but the reader cannot attempt to use the scroll until their Sorcery Casting skill increases. If the casting roll is fumbled, the spell fades from the scroll, without any benefit to the reader.

Make Spell Matrix


This spell creates items that store Sorcery spells.

All spell matrices have an attached cost of 10 Gold Ducats per spell in special materials.

The enchanter pays 1 Growth point per spell stored in the matrix.

The wielder can cast and manipulate the spell at the skill of the original enchanter, using their own magic points as fuel.

Spell matrices are reusable and permanent.

Spell matrices are mundane items in their own right and if the item is broken, the spell is dispelled. However, at the time of enchantment, the enchanter can spend another growth point to magically harden the item, making it indestructible.


This is the Sorcerers’ version of Illusion.

This spell creates an illusion based on all five senses. The illusion will seem real and solid unless the person looking at it succeeds in a Perception test, which is subject to a modifier based on the magnitude of the spell. If the viewer succeeds in a Perception test, and the illusion could usually cause damage if believed in, it can no longer cause damage to that character. As soon as a viewer disbelieves the illusion, it becomes insubstantial and ghost-like to them.

The size of the illusion is also governed by the magnitude.  A magnitude 1 Illusion can be used to create small household items, say a fake table and chair, but would not be able to create an illusion of a fire-breathing dragon.

Magnitude Modifier to Perception test Type of illusion possible
1 +50 % Not capable of motion or causing damage. Slightly fuzzy and unreal around the edges. Limit of SIZ 10.
2 +25 % Some minor discrepancies. Capable of motion, but not of damage. Limit of SIZ 15.
3 0 Capable of motion and causing damage. Limit of SIZ 20.
4 -25 % Capable of motion and causing damage. Limit of SIZ 30.
5 -50 % Indistinguishable from the real thing, capable of motion and damage. Limit of SIZ 40.
+1 -50% +10 SIZ per magnitude.


Mystic Vision


This spell allows the recipient to literally see magic. By augmenting the recipient’s natural vision, the spell allows them to see a creature’s magic points, as well as enchanted items with their own magic points or spells. The recipient must be able to see the creature or object for this spell to work. Mystic Vision also allows a recipient to see into the Spirit World.

On a normal success, the recipient of the spell will only know roughly how many magic points an object or creature has (1–10, 11–20, 21–30 and so forth). On a critical, they will know the exact amount. On a fumble, the Referee should give the player a misleading total.

By looking at a spell’s effect, a recipient of Mystic Vision will automatically be aware of its magical origin (Divine Magic, Personal Magic, or Sorcery). By increasing the magnitude of Mystic Vision, the caster can learn more about what they are seeing. Compare the magnitude of Mystic Vision to the magnitude of any spell that the target is either casting or under the influence of. As long as Mystic Vision’s magnitude exceeds the other spell’s, the caster will be able to precisely determine the effects of the perceived spell, and a mental image of who cast the spell (if it is not obvious).

By looking at an enchanted item, a recipient of Mystic Vision will automatically be aware of its gross magical effects (such as the types of enchantment currently on the item). Each point of magnitude of Mystic Vision will also determine either the invested POW (and therefore the relevant strength) of a particular enchantment or a particular condition laid upon an enchantment (Referee’s choice).

Neutralise Magic


This spell allows a caster to neutralise other spells. Neutralise Magic will eliminate a combined magnitude of spells equal to its own magnitude, starting with the most powerful affecting the target. If it fails to eliminate the most powerful spell, then it will instead target the second-most powerful spell. As soon as Neutralise Magic can no longer dismiss a target’s spells, because all the remaining spell’s magnitudes are too high, its effects immediately end.

Neutralise Magic can be fired as a Reaction, but only when another spell that the character wishes to counter is cast within Neutralise Magic’s range. A successful Neutralise Magic disrupts the other spell and nullifies it. As long as Neutralise Magic’s magnitude equals or exceeds the target spell’s magnitude, the target spell is countered.

Other World Portal (Other World)

This spell creates a portal to a named Other World. The magnitude of the spell is the number of creatures (of SIZ range 12-18) who can use the portal simultaneously.  The portal exists as long as the spell is in effect. When the spell’s duration is reached, the portal closes instantly.

If the spell casting is fumbled, catastrophic events occur.  Here are some example events. The creative Referee is encouraged to create more.

A malignant creature from that Other World emerges and attacks the sorcerer in an attempt to close the portal.

The sorcerer and all within 10m of them are sucked through the portal, which then promptly closes. Worse, the Sorcerer is so befuddled that they cannot remember this spell for D20+D4 hours.

The Other World, to which the portal is connected, invades the home reality in a 1D10 km diameter from the portal. The home reality protects itself by throwing up a magical barrier that lets things into the beachhead but not out.


Resist (Resilience)

If the caster is able to overcome their Target with this spell, they can turn the victim’s own nervous system against them. The spell will paralyse the target, provided the spell’s magnitude is greater than quarter of the target’s current hit points.

Poison Antidote

This spell counteracts an antidote to any poison. For the duration of the spell, it reduces any poison’s potency by its magnitude X 5. This is for the chance to resist the poison initially. If that resistance test is failed, it still reduces the poison’s effective potency by its magnitude X 5.   If cast on a person who is already affected by a poison, they get another chance to resist the poison.

Protective Sphere

When completed, the Protective Sphere will create a sphere-shaped area of protection with a radius in metres equal to the spell’s magnitude. If this spell is cast on the ground (or another immovable place), it cannot be moved. If cast on a vehicle (such as the bed of a wagon) or a person, it will move with the target.  After the sphere has been completed any one or all of the following spells can be added to provide the defensive capacities of the Sphere during the duration of the Sphere. The Sphere on its own provides no protection, that is down to the Resistance spells.

Damage Resistance, Spell Resistance, Spirit Resistance.

The Protective Sphere’s perimeter contains the benefits of its combined Resistance spell(s). The Protective Sphere only inhibits spells or attacks entering the circle from the outside – attacks or spells originating within the circle are unaffected. Thus, a Protective Sphere against spirits would block out outside spirits but have no effect on those already inside its perimeter.  A Protective Sphere against damage or spells would block out incoming attacks/spells but have no effect on attacks made within the sphere (including attacks targeting those outside the sphere).